Starcraft2 Key
Tycho, Mar 22 2010
Bleh, so I kind of missed the Invite-a-friend-round of the keys, which sucks!
Anyone still has a SC II key lying around waiting to sell it or something?
No idea at what price these things market, I'll transfer 100$ on Stars to someone reputable.
Tycho, Feb 27 2009
Since I won't have time to play tomorrow and the rest of this evening, my month has ended 
Februari goals were:
- Play at least 35k hands
- Keep winning on NL400
- Make more notes on opponents and tune up agression postflop
So I didn't make the hands goal by far, I got sick a few days so couldn't play. Also been pretty busy with other things and Februari is shorter anyway, so no big deal. I think I did experiment a bit with more agression and I kept winning on NL400 so that's good.

March goals are:
- At least 30k hands NL400 6max
- Experiment more on playing more agressive postflop
- Have some coaching lessons
Thanks for reading.
January Summary
Tycho, Feb 01 2009
So, my goals for December were:
- Play NL400 6max
- Study alot for 2 exams
- No preset # of hands, just play when I feel like it
- Watch alot of vids, maybe do some coaching sessions
In the end I played 20k hands, did study alot but still didn't do to well so that sucks. Didn't watch any vids, did play mostly NL400 (18k hands) and at least I have a winrate over those hands. Even ran 1.6k under EV or something.

Februari goals are:
- Play at least 35k hands
- Keep winning on NL400
- Make more notes on opponents and tune up agression postflop
Starting BR: 18.3k
Ending BR: 23.5k
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